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Staff working for the European Union

Tags : , , , , Staff working for the European Union 2012-11-06 16:30:46 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide Default administrators assistants contract agents SNE temporary agents

Staff working for the European Union

Before you are even thinking of applying for an EPSO Competition, you need to understand how EU staff is structured. Needless to say, skilled personnel are required to operate this vast institutional machinery.

Staff figures EU

1.      Permanent Staff are the bureaucrats forming the EU Civil Service. They can be:

  • Administrators (AD) are university graduates from streams such as administration, communication, law, economics, finance, science and the like. Relevant work experience is made mandatory for some administrative positions

EU ADs draft and implement legislative and budgetary policies of EU, coordinate economic policies of member states, conduct trade negotiations with non-EU countries, draft verdicts of the European Court of Justice, represent EU at other international organisations etc.

  • Assistants (AST) provide support or secretarial services such as computing, documentation and record keeping for internal management of EU institutions (more…)