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My Epso Account – The Gateway to EPSO Exams

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

This article aims to be a concise tutorial on how an EPSO exam application from “my epso account” should be completed. It will be a part of the beginners guide to Epso competitions.

You’ve decided that you want to apply to an EPSO Competition. Sounds great! First thing you should ask yourself is : do I meet the eligibility conditions as expressed in the notice of competitions/ call for expression of interest and the general admission conditions (Member State citizen, full rights as citizen of the EU, military service obligations, etc )? Cool! Let’s go on!

Next thing you’ll need is an EPSO Account – the electronic interface between EPSO and you.

You’ll use this account to apply to one or more competitions. It is recommended that you create your EPSO account as soon as possible, this way you’ll have time to familiarize yourself with the site’s layout.

Now that you have an account, you are watching EPSO’s indicative planning to see the upcoming EU Competitions for which you might be suitable. Once a competition has been announced, it is time to apply! Our suggestion is to never leave the validation of the application close to the deadline as EPSO’s website might encounter technical problems due to high traffic.

As soon as you start completing your application in your EPSO account you will receive a temporary reference number (T-XXXXX) which will change  into the actual application number (XXXXX) once your application is complete and is validated.

Filling out the epso exam application could turn out to be a lengthy process so you’d better have something prepared in advance. You’ll notice that the application is split between certain tabs:

  •  Registration Data – contains general information on Citizenship, Proof of Identity, Selection of the EPSO CBT Selected Centre, Chosen languages for the test and special requirements if needed
  • My Profile – is split between the 3 subtabs  below. You might want to keep this information on a separate file as you’ll probably use it for other eu competitions applications as well and a simple copy&paste will save you time.

Education and Training – all relevant education/qualifications giving access to the competition starting with the most recent one. Other relevant training/diplomas relevant for the specific EU competition must be mentioned as well.

Professional Experience – Even if professional experience is not required (see EPSO AD 5 Competitions) you should definitely mention it. If you make it to the reserve list, potential recruiters will look at your application and it’s better that you have the professional experience part filled out.

Language Skills – Start with your main language (language 1) and add then other languages. Make sure that your knowledge of the second language (the one on which you will take a part of the EPSO preselection tests) is at least level B2

  •  Motivation and Strengths – This part is also something that could be standardized and presented to several applications. In no more than 2000 characters per field you should expose your added value and compatibility with the position for which you are applying. There are 4 standard parts of the “Motivation and Strengths” that you need to fill in each application.
  1.             Experience and Background – How is your education and experience relevant to this particular profile?
  2.             Interest to Apply – Why do you want to apply for this particular career opportunity? You should also explain why this particular profile interests you.
  3.             Contribution to EU – What specific contribution do you think you could make to the work of the European institutions and agencies? In what role could you best contribute? What particular strengths would you bring to your work?
  4.             Strengths – Outline two of your main achievements. Describe what they are, the process you went through and their positive outcomes for you and for others.
  • Eligibility  – General admission conditions and specific admission conditions as expressed in the Notice of Competitions/ Call for Expression of interest


  • Talent Screener – This applies only for Specialized EU Exams and will be covered in another article.


  • Overview – Like the title suggests it, this is the overview of the whole application. Make sure you revise it thoroughly since you cannot change any information from the epso application after having validated it. If there is missing information , it will be highlighted in red.


Declaration – This is the part where you sign and validate your epso application and declare on your word of honor that the information that you have provided is complete, accurate and most important – honest. Everything that is written in the application must be backed with supporting documents that must be provided at a later stage of the EU Competition.

 After you have validated your application you should regularly check My EPSO Account (EPSO recommends at least twice per week) as you will receive all the communication from EPSO concerning the competition in your EPSO Account.