Get the best available training for your EPSO exam - know what to expect on exam day by taking our tests which cover all EPSO tests objectives. Prepare for any type of Epso Competitions - Administrators, Assistants, Linguists, Secretaries, Contract Agents. Join the thousands of successful EPSO candidates who have trained with us and now are employed all-over EU Institutions.
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Our practice tests give you the same look and feel as the live exam. Each question can be reviewed. Incomplete questions are indicated.
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Improve your ability to deal with numbers and make calculations. Assess your level by practicing exercises containing graphics interpretation, ratios, percentages and trends
Practice in your own language the same test format Choose from eight languages. Work quickly and accurately to find the most suitable answer from four possible options.
Improve scores by practicing same sequences you will find in the real exam - mirroring, clockwise and anti-clockwise rotation, horizontal, vertical or diagonal movement, movement under different degreees, color alternation.
Complete tests covering 5 EPSO Key Competencies that come with detailed explanations for Most Effective and Least Effective answers. Designed to fully match the work based scenarios for EU Institutions.
Prepare with our simulation of an EU Employee Inbox. Situations dedicated to EU context only. Assess and improve your skills in the EPSO key competencies. Rank each option on a 5 point scale similar to Epso real exam.
Become proficient in Accuracy&Precision and Organising&Prioritising tests. Improve your fast response time needed for these tests. Similar questions on a similar exam interface will help you get aquainted with the test format.
It's an extraordinary opportunity for someone to practice exercises just the way they are in the EPSO tests.
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AndreiI just found out about this website, and it's great. Thanks!