category / Beginner's Guide Epso Profiles - Finance 2014-07-23 10:39:32 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Finance

The most common EPSO Financial profiles announced in EU Competitions are the Financial Manager, Financial/Accounting Assistant ones. Their duties, responsibilities and suggested qualifications are expressed below.

Financial Manager (AD, CAST)

The following are functions of EU financial managers:

  • Working with very complex financial structures
  • Closely supporting senior decision-makers
  • Defining financial and budget procedures
  • Preparing accounts and annual reports
  • Helping with audits and inspections
  • Managing organizational risks
  • Advising and supervising colleagues

Contract staff may be employed to carry out some finance tasks.

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • For Grade AD 5 (entry level), must hold a degree or be graduating this year
  • For Grade AD 7 (a much more senior level), several years’ experience is required in a related field

Recruitment may vary for contract staff.

Financial Management/Accounting Assistant (AST, CAST)

Financial management/accounting assistants use specific IT tools, like integrated accounting systems to help with the following:

The following are functions of EU financial management/accounting assistants:

  • Implementing accounting and financial systems
  • Keeping financial and/or budget accounts
  • Developing, drawing up and implementing financial regulation procedures
  • Presenting financial statements
  • Planning and managing public procurement projects
  • Carrying out operational and financial management of contracts or subsidies
  • Bank reconciliation and interest accounts and/or cash management participation
  • Observing financial and budget procedures
  • Supervising accounting methods and revenue financial management

Contract staff may be employed to carry out some finance or accounting tasks.

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German.
  • Post-secondary education in finance or accounting with minimum three years’ relevant experience in the field or secondary education and minimum three years of relevant experience in finance or accounting.

The requirements for contract staff may vary.