category / Beginner's Guide Epso Profiles - Information and Communications Technology 2014-07-15 09:32:02 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Information and Communications Technology

The IT jobs within the EU Institutions cover different areas which are presented below. Most published EPSO Competitions look for candidates in those profiles.

Information Technology Staff

ICT staff: The ICT support staff maintains the computer systems, which enable the EU institutions to carry out work affecting around 50 million people in 28 EU countries

The following are the functions of EU ICT staff:

  • Managing projects and processes
  • Watching and examination/analysis
  • Analyzing technically and advising
  • Provide inter-service coordination and consultation
  • Telecommunications service
  • Managing data processing centers
  • Managing and supervising e-mail, data and voice network services
  • Web development
  • Designing software for statistical data collection
  • IT security management

Contract staff may also be employed as ICT staff.

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • For Grade AD 5 (entry level), must hold a degree or a post graduate degree in Information and Communication Technology or be graduating this year in respective field. The specific requirement is to be checked at time of competition notification
  • For Grade AD 7 (a much more senior level), several years’ experience is required in a related field

Grade AST 3 (assistant) qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Post-secondary education and a minimum of three years’ professional experience, or
  • Secondary education and a minimum of six years’ professional experience

Contract staff requirements may vary.