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CAST Function Group III & IV ICT Security

Tags : , , CAST Function Group III & IV ICT Security 2013-06-21 21:21:50 admin Blog post Default Latest News CAST Contract Agent EPSO

CAST Function Group III & IV ICT Security

Epso has recently launched a call for expressions of interest for ICT Security Assistant (FGIII) and ICT Security Analyst (FGIV). There are 50 available places on each category. The jobs will mainly be available in Brussels or Luxembourg within the European Commission, European External Action Service, European Parliament, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, Economic and Social Committee or within an EU Delegation.

The indicative timetable for EPSO/CAST/S/7/2013 is as follows:

  • CV Sifting / Talent Screener – Sept 2013
  • Competency Test – Nov 2013
  • Results of Competency Test – Dec 2013/Jan 2014

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Competitions in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics published

Tags : , , , Competitions in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics published 2013-03-15 12:01:33 admin Blog post Default Latest News EPSO Financial Economics Macroeconomics Specialists

Competitions in Macroeconomics and Financial Economics published

Epso has recently published a new competition – EPSO/AD/249/13 – looking to recruit 37 Macroeconomists and 27 Financial Economists on AD7 level.

Since this is a specialists competition, you will first have to go through the talent screener that you will fill in your application.

Depending on the number of applications, it will be decided at a later stage if CBT tests will be organized.

The  minimum professional experience required is 6 years after the obtaining the relevant university diploma

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Succeeding in Epso Assessment Centre

Tags : , , Succeeding in Epso Assessment Centre 2012-11-12 20:03:37 admin Blog post Default Tips and Tricks Assessment Center EPSO Tips and Tricks

Succeeding in Epso Assessment Centre

Skills are an intangible quality that cannot be precisely measured, but only judged. A professional’s true worth is based more on his grasp over relevant skills than on his grades and number of years of experience on EPSO tests preparation. Probably as a realization of this fine fact, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) has shifted its selection criteria from knowledge to skills, this introducing the Epso Assesment Centre.

All personnel – administrators, linguists, assistants, and special professionals – will be required to undergo the following stages at the Epso assessment centre which will be held in Brussels:

These EPSO assessment centre tools will test your grasp over (more…)

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8 EPSO Verbal Reasoning Tips and Tricks. I consider Tip #5 ESSENTIAL.

Tags : , , 8 EPSO Verbal Reasoning Tips and Tricks. I consider Tip #5 ESSENTIAL. 2012-08-10 17:03:35 admin Blog post Default Tips and Tricks EPSO Tips and Tricks verbal reasoning

8 EPSO Verbal Reasoning Tips and Tricks. I consider Tip #5 ESSENTIAL.

  1. The EPSO verbal reasoning tests should not be underestimated. It is a test type that doesn’t necessarily feature an exact answer. You may need to find the best answer, therefore pay close attention to the requirements of the verbal reasoning test.
  2. The questions on EPSO verbal reasoning tests are highly specific. There will usually be 4 to 7 rows of texts and four statements. You will need to select the best statement that can be deducted from the texts. There will be times that the statement will not be straightforward so make sure that the final answer will be based only on the text provided.
  3. Keep an eye on the watch- There will come a point in the espo test when one question will stall you and eat up most of your time. When you are faced with this predicament, it’s recommended to move on first to other test questions.  You can easily come back to the question. If you still find the question difficult, you can always make a sound guess that you think is the most likely answer to the question. Doing this will help you cover all questions and not miss out on simple questions.
  4. Get an overview of what the paragraph is all about. There will be times when questions will be based on a certain paragraph. If this is these, make sure you scan the text and find out its main content or message. Each paragraph from the epso verbal reasoning test should contain 2-5 sentences, so it should take roughly 20 seconds to cover it. – You can eliminate some of the answers that offer unnecessary information. If the sentence does not link to the passage at all, then that’s a sign to cross out that answer.
  5. Limit your understanding and answers on what was provided on the paragraph- When answering questions that are based on a certain article or passage, it’s recommended to answer the questions only in the context of the paragraph. If you have seen some loopholes or inconsistencies in facts, don’t comment or change the content. Simply mark the answer  as you have understood it.
  6. Take time in answering the verbal reasoning questions- Remember, you will not be given extra credit by simply answering it faster. When you have time, always review your questions and answers.
  7. Expect other candidates at the CBT Centre during your test. Don’t let others make you lose your attention on the test.
  8. If possible, try to practice as much as possible epso verbal reasoning tests at home under real exam conditions with no interruptions.

Start your training with some FREE Epso Verbal Reasoning Tests !

Once you are confident with the similar exam interface and testing format, practice more verbal reasoning tests.