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EPSO/AST/129/13 – AST 3 EU Competition launched

Tags : , , EPSO/AST/129/13 - AST 3 EU Competition launched 2013-12-06 19:20:53 admin Blog post Default Latest News assistants AST 3 EPSO Competition

EPSO/AST/129/13 – AST 3 EU Competition launched

As of today you can start filling in your application from “my epso account” for the EPSO/AST/129/13 AST 3 Competition. The deadline for validating your application is 14th of January but don’t wait until the last moment.

The profiles sought and the number of available places are as follows:




The CBT Preselection tests will consist of:

  • Verbal Reasoning -marked out of 20
  • Numerical Reasoning – marked out of 10
  • Abstract Reasoning – marked out of 10
  • Accuracy and Precision – marked out of 20
  • Prioritizing and Organizing – marked out of 20
  • Situational Judgement Test – marked out of 40

You will need to obtain a minimum aggregated score of 15/30  for Verbal and Abstract Reasoning.

For Numerical Reasoning minimum score is 5 for accounting and economy profiles and 4 for legal matters.

Minimum aggregated score for Accuracy and Precision and Prioritising and Organising is 20/40 and minimum score for EPSO SJT is 24/40

You can find in the Official Journal the complete job descriptions for each profile and other useful additional info.

As usual, we offer best and most affordable online epso training to help you pass this AST3 Competition and become an EU Assistant.

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OHIM Epso Competitions AD/Ast announced

Tags : , , OHIM Epso Competitions AD/Ast announced 2013-11-07 21:48:40 admin Blog post Default Latest News Assessment Center epso competitions Specialists

OHIM Epso Competitions AD/Ast announced

The Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) has 100 places available split between the following EU Competitions:

  • OHIM/AD/01/13 = 40 places
  • OHIM/AST/02/13 = 60 places

Both AD and AST Epso Competitions are specialists competitions, meaning that a first preselection will be based on the info you provide in the Talent Screener tab from My EPSO Account

There will be approximately 3 times more candidates invited to the Assessment Centre then the number of candidates that will be placed on the reserve list.

The exams will consist of:

  • Practice Verbal Reasoning Tests, Numerical Reasoning Tests, Abstract Reasoning Tests
  • Structured interview based on the info provided in the talent screener
  • Written exercise
  • E-tray Exercise
  • Structured Interview based on general competencies
  • Grouped Exercise

The deadline for applications is 3rd December at midday so start preparing!

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EU Competitions – 2011 Statistics

Tags : , , , , EU Competitions - 2011 Statistics 2013-09-13 22:09:35 admin Blog post Default Latest News CBT epso competitions eu competitions Preselection Tests statistics

EU Competitions – 2011 Statistics

Following our EPSO 2012 statistics, we are happy to provide you fresh information concerning EU Competitions held in 2011. As you’ll see from the graphs, 2011 was a good year. There were plenty of EU competitions and numerous available positions for the reserve lists, complete Administrator, Assistants and Linguists cycle together with Specialists competitions. All in all, 2011 covered almost all fields EPSO normally recruits.

Let’s see the full statistics.

There were 1285 EPSO advertised jobs in total in 2011 distributed as follows in the EU Competitions:

Administrators (AD)- 864

Assistants (AST)– 421

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

While there were 3 AD grades (AD5, AD6, AD7) Posts, for AST there were only 2 grades (AST1 and AST3). Their distribution by grade is shown below

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

The number of AD Posts Distribution per Profile in all EU Competitions is shown as it was advertised on the Official Journal of each competition. There were cases where the number of candidates on a reserve list was different than the number of posts EPSO initially sought to fill.

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

The total number of AD and AST applications per profile is below:

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

The average applications for an EPSO AD competition fluctuated between highest applicants for European Public Administration (EPA) and lowest applications for Interpreters

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

The highest ratio of EPSO AST candidates / available position was registered for Project/Programme/Contract Management competition while mean AST1 Secretaries competition had the lowest number of participants per available position.

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Below is the minimum CBT Preselection pass marks needed in the AD/AST Cycle competitions. We recommend that you compare your EPSO exam preparation results with the values below when taking part in AD/AST Cycle competitions as pass marks normally gravitate around these values.

AD5 Administrators Cycle – lowest CBT Pass mark – 79,37/100

AD7 Administrators Cycle – lowest CBT Pass mark – 81,87/100

AST1 Secretaries – lowest CBT pass mark – 58,91/100

AST3 Cycle – lowest CBT pass mark – 83,14/100

The toughest/Easiest EU Competitions in terms of no of applications / advertised positions were as follows:

–          There were 1231 applicants for Italian Language editors for only 3 available positions.

–          There were 9 applicants for Maltese AD7 Interpreters for 10 available places.

There were 4 competitions (3 for Maltese citizens and one for Swedish) with only 1 candidate on the reserve list.

If you found this article useful please don’t forget to like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with other interesting facts on EPSO Competitions.

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EU Competitions – 2012 Statistics

Tags : , EU Competitions - 2012 Statistics 2013-09-03 16:27:28 admin Blog post Default Latest News epso competitions eu competitions

EU Competitions – 2012 Statistics

For those of you preparing for the EU Competitions, we consider that it is important in a first instance to know what has happened in the previous exams. Therefore, we have interpreted existing data on EU competitions from 2012 to give you an overview concerning the Administrators and Assistants competitions.

You will be able to discover the total advertised posts, toughest CBT preselection exams or profiles EU Institutions sough to recruit in 2012.

As some results from 2012 EU Competitions are not yet published, this data is based only on available information.

We begin with the total number of available positions within the EU Institutions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

While Administrators competitions were at different grades from AD5 to AD12, at Assistants level there were only AST 3 competitions.

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

From the two pictures below you can see the available positions distribution per profile, both for Administrators and Assistants EU Competitions.

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

In 2012, there were 19335 candidates applying for the EU Competitions, distributed as pictured below:

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

Toughest/Easiest EU Competition – no of applications / advertised positions

EPSO/AD/236-237/12 for Danish  AD7 interpreters with 1.3 candidates / available position was the ‘easiest’ in terms of number of candidates per available position

EPSO/AST/125/12 on Finances/Accounting with 117 candidates / available position was the ‘toughest’ in terms of number of candidates per available position

Toughest/Easiest EU Competition Preselection Tests

The preselection pass mark for EPSO/AD/240/12 – Estonian Translators

was the lowest – 53.32/100

The preselection pass mark for EPSO/AST/125/12 on Finances/Accounting was the highest – 86.3/100

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