category / Default, Latest News Epso Competitions Statistics 2013 2015-07-07 08:45:44 Alex Blog post Default Latest News

Epso Competitions Statistics 2013

EPSO has recently closed the last competitions announced in 2013. On this occasion we present you the epso competitions statistics 2013 infographic so that you have a clear picture of the EPSO competitions held in 2013 in terms of positions advertised, types of posts advertised, number of candidates for each profile, competition for each field, candidates sought by profile and much more.

Epso Competitions Statistics 2013 Main Facts

  • There were 1177 advertised positions in 2013 – Administrators, Assistants and Management (Head of Unit level)
  • Almost 55000 candidates applied in 2013 for an EPSO Competition
  • There was actually no surprise that the most fierce Administrators competition was in European Public Administration field with close to 120 candidates per advertised position
  • Toughest Assistants competition in terms of candidates per advertised position was the competition looking to recruit assistants specialized in legal matters with 139 candidates per place.
  • There were  2 Assistants Proofreaders competitions that were cancelled, so 1820 candidates that applied for those competitions were not considered in the statistics

Administrators competition 2016, Administrators competition 2016 in the field of audit launched, Epsotraining - EPSO Tests for EU Competitions

For more interesting stats on previous years competitions make sure you check out our previous epso competitions statistics for 2012 and 2011.

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