category / Default, Latest News EPSO/AST/125/12 — Assistants (AST 3) Competitions Published 2012-12-22 22:15:26 admin Blog post Default Latest News Abstract Reasoning Assistant AST 3 Competitions

EPSO/AST/125/12 — Assistants (AST 3) Competitions Published

The EPSO/AST/125/12 AST 3 competition has been announced for the following fields:

1. AUDIT – 25 places on the reserve list
2. FINANCE/ACCOUNTING – 45 places on the reserve list
3. ECONOMICS/STATISTICS – 40 places on the reserve list

The preselection will consist of the following EU Tests:

– Verbal reasoning

– Numerical reasoning

Abstract reasoning practice tests

– Professional skills: accuracy and precision

– Professional skills: prioritizing and organizing

Situational Judgement