category / Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Support Staff Epso Profiles - Support Staff 2014-07-22 23:35:39 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Support Staff

Secretary/Administrative Assistant (AST/SC, CAST): The administrative tasks may vary according to the post. A secretary shapes, transforms and distributes information across several people or units within the institution, providing autonomous support to them

The following are functions EU administrative assistants:

  • File preparation.
  • Organizing and coordinating meetings, official trips and other departmental activities
  • Management of receipts, processing documents, follow-up and filing
  • Locating, compiling and circulating information

Functions in the translation department may also include:

  • Receiving, managing and processing translation requests
  • Feeding and updating g translation memories
  • Setting up type, page layout and format work

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Secretarial qualification, post-secondary or secondary education and a minimum of three years of relevant experience as a secretary

The support staff profiles fall mainly in the categories presented below.

Human Resources Assistant (AST)

HR assistants have duties such as hiring, training, careers, equal opportunities and other duties related to personnel policy management

The following are functions of EU human resources assistants:

  • Drafting notes and/or correspondence, drawing up administrative reports relating to recruitment, careers, professional training, equal opportunities, individual and financial rights
  • Preparing, holding and following up on meetings
  • Project management
  • Scrutinizing and developing working methods
  • Helping implement accounting, IT, financial and statistical systems, etc.
  • Team management

Contract staff may be hired to perform some HR duties.

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Post-secondary education with minimum three years relevant experience in human resources, or secondary education and minimum three years of relevant experience.

category / Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Communication Epso Profiles - Communication 2014-07-19 18:29:36 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

Epso Profiles – Communication

When it comes to communication jobs, these are the most frequent profiles published by EPSO:

Communication Officer (AD)

Working areas:

  • External communication with media, public and other visitors’ groups
  • Providing information to media in written and oral forms
  • Communication over the Internet
  • Communication regarding strategy and crisis situations

The following are functions of EU Communication Officers:

  • Drafting reports, press releases and texts for different media types, as per the language you are recruited in, and/or in either English or French
  • Establishing and maintaining relations with media
  • Watching and examining media impact
  • Ensuring that EU’s presence is there on all online platforms
  • Ensuring inclusion and publication of original content

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • For Grade AD 5 (entry level), must hold a degree or be graduating this year in respective field. The specific requirement is to be checked at time of competition notification
  • For Grade AD 7 (a much more senior level), several years’ experience is required in a related field

Communication Assistant (AST)

They work in different sectors related to internal and external information and communication

The following are functions of EU Communication Assistants:

  • Handling contacts with the media, the public and the press
  • Drafting, revising and preparing various publication documents
  • Event management
  • Preparing brochures, publications, documents and audiovisual products
  • Managing communication online via websites, social e-mail etc.
  • Participating in watching and examining media impact of communication activities
  • Cooperating with stakeholders (subcontractors, publication office etc.)

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Post-secondary education in communication, media studies, journalism or public relations and at least three years’ relevant professional experience OR secondary education and six years of professional experience

category / Beginner's Guide

EPSO Profiles – Linguists EPSO Profiles - Linguists 2014-07-18 07:24:59 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

EPSO Profiles – Linguists


EU translators help around 500 million people in 28 EU countries understand policies. Their work is challenging in a diverse cultural environment.

The following are the functions of EU translators:

  • Translating political, legal, scientific, technical and financial texts
  • Mentoring colleagues by providing a wide range of linguistic advice

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Any Degree

Conference Interpreters

The EU interpreting service is the largest in the world. The interpreters ensure that points discussed in the conference are correctly interpreted into an EU-official language. They use either simultaneous or consecutive interpreting.

The following are functions of EU conference interpreters:

  • Ensuring effective communication
  • Imbibing various complex issues
  • Being prompt and adapting to changing situations
  • Working under pressure individually or as a team

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Excellent command over one European language, and good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Relevant qualification in Conference interpreting or Degree and one years’ work experience as a professional Conference interpreter
  • For Grade AD 7 (a much more senior level), several years’ experience is required in a related field

Proofreader/Language editor

Functions of Proofreaders:

  • Proofreading documents in their native languages
  • Preparing stylish and typographical manuscripts
  • Proofreading printers’ proofs
  • Delivering “passed for press” orders
  • Participating in publication designs
  • Helping coordinate and monitor production processes

The following are functions of EU proofreaders (language editors):

  • Linguistic checking and editing documents for publication
  • Checking texts against (usually) French original documents
  • Ensuring compliant style conventions and rules
  • Preparing issues of the Court Reports
  • Finalizing texts typographically

Suggested Qualifications:

  • Excellent command over one European language, and thorough command over two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • Passive knowledge of French for the Court of Justice
  • Either post-secondary level education and two years’ applicable professional experience, or
  • Senior education and minimum five years’ professional experience

category / Beginner's Guide

EPSO Profiles – Audit EPSO Profiles - Audit 2014-07-16 11:23:10 admin Blog post Beginner's Guide

EPSO Profiles – Audit


The following are the functions of EU auditors:

  • examining financial management process
  • Conducting inspections
  • Improve control systems
  • Providing guidance on methodologies.
  • Supporting senior decision-makers
  • Training untrained personnel
  • Supervising and advising colleagues.

Qualifications required:

  • Good command over at least two European languages, of which one must be English, French or German
  • For Grade AD 5 (entry level), must hold a degree or be graduating this year
  • For Grade AD 7 (a much more senior level), several years’ experience is required in a related field
  • For contract staff or assistant auditors, the requirements may vary