category / Default, Latest News Upcoming EPSO Competitions - 1st Semester 2014 2014-02-01 00:30:08 admin Blog post Default Latest News administrators assistants EPSO Competition Secretaries

Upcoming EPSO Competitions – 1st Semester 2014

In the indicative planning of EPSO Competitions you’ll notice the upcoming exams and fields of interest of recruitment for EU institutions.

EPSO/AST-SC/01/14 – With the new staff regulations adopted at the beginning of 2014, the new AST/SC positions have been especially created for  secretaries. With the possible date of applications opening on 13th February, EPSO will be organising secretaries competitions at SC1/SC2 levels (most probably corresponding to the former AST1/AST2 levels)

EPSO/AST/130/14  – Aiming of selecting Assisstants with a background in building, this competition will have different profiles listed; estimated kick off day for applications is 27th February.

EPSO/AST/131/14 – Nuclear inspectors specialists competition launching 3rd April

EPSO/AD/…/14 – A specialists competition for OLAF Forensic Analysts will be launched on 27th March

AD Cycle 2014 – though the profiles are not announced we can notice that there will be an Auditors AD5 competition running in parallel. The applications for the Administrators Cycle will begin on 13th March while for Auditors a week later.